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Island Fingerboarding
Recommended Products for FB

Ok here is the page where I tell you what products I highly recommend, if I haven't tried out the product yet, I'll go by others opinions about the product(s). I'll only give you truthful information so you won't get ripped off by cheap products.

Yep, that's right, the top product is Moshmelloz, as always! Moshmelloz are the number 1 bushings in the fingerboarding world. Not only are they a great product, but they are cheap, and very stylish. These amazing bushings offer you the best pop, smooth tricks, and soft landings! These bushings are rated 5/5 by Island Fingerboarding

The number 2 product for me my ratings were c.j's (a.k.a, femaleboy) great decks that he makes. These boards are sweet! The looks aren't to great (Sorry c.j) but these fingerboards are the best I've tried, they have great pop, a nice shape, great grip, and they are really light. These decks are rated 4/5 by Island Fingerboarding.

The number 3 rated product by fingerboarders (I haven't purchased this product yet) is jovial_evil's clear grip tape. From what I have heard, this grip tape is awesome, Gary uses it, and many other respected fingerboarders. Also, this grip tape is supposed to look pretty sweet, it's clear!!! I rate this a 5/5 even though I haven't tested the product yet.