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Island Fingerboarding


Moshmelloz is a great website. The brilliant creator, Gary Moyer gave this site his all. Not only is there a fingerboard workshop, but there is the Moshmelloz Mob section, with great photos, Gary has photos from the 1999 X-Games, Gary even made a handboard section! This site is all the information you need! Moshmelloz is the #1 site!


Fingerskate is one of the members on my team's website. Ricki Puffer, has made a great website, he and his brother have a great section with lots of photos, interviews, and tons of information! This is another great site. Check it out!


This is another great fingerboard website. This has to be the best site for photos! This site has a lot of information,a team, lots of board graphics, and everything you could want! Awesome site!!!


Twiztidlotus is a cool site. The layout is very original and makes everything interesting. There are vids, photos, and everything you need to make a cool site.


Double Jointed is an awesome website created by a tech deck member. Not only does this site have great deck plans, but it is in all black and white, which seems to add a special touch to the site. This site has great deck plans, GO CHECK IT OUT NOW!!!